
People tend to think that a business headshot is about them -- and understandably so. After all, your headshot only has you in it, so who else would it be about?

The answer is: it's about your clients and potential clients. Naturally, you want to look your best in your headshot, and we want that for you. It's what we strive for in every photo session. However, a focus on how you look to yourself is the wrong approach if you want to craft a compelling image that will connect you to your ideal customer. 

As hard as it may be to set aside the self-consciousness most of us feel when the lens of a camera turns our way, it's exactly what you have to do to make your business headshot into the prospect-generating tool it should be. You have to take a step back from viewing yourself the way you might in the mirror during that last-minute outfit check and consider who it is your potential clients need to see. When you come at it from that perspective, the shift in mindset is subtle but powerful. Rather than thinking just about appearance, suddenly you're thinking about who you are. And about how to convey that to someone who might be seeking the services you offer so that they will begin to feel, just from seeing your image, that you are the person they want to do business with.

If that sounds impossible, never fear. We have a system. We've helped hundreds of businesspeople figure out exactly how they want to come across to prospects and sent them on their way with a headshot that works to connect them to their ideal clients.
business headshots of 15 different executives
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